How to Catch Tuna Revamp

How to Catch Tuna was created in 2009.

I was participating in the internet marketing challenge i have taken part in each year. The site was originally created as a micro niche on how to catch tuna. The purpose was to generate a top 5 page rank on google for the keywords How to Catch Tuna, Catching Tuna, Tuna Fishing and Fishing for Tuna. After establishing this website the plan was to generate 200 hits a day and to market affiliate products relates to my keywords. i failed in that task as it took me two weeks to get 200 visitors and i didnt make one affiliate sale. I then converted the site to google adsense to generate income that way.

Whist this site was created for a marketing challenge and to generate income for myself i do genuinely have a interest in fishing. I had to make the site information to get users here, hold their attention and entice them to click on the products. Without the interest i have on the topic this wouldnt have worked.

This site has sat dormant for many years and it was only in late 2017 that i revamped it to a scaleable responsive layout. I plan to build the site up a bit more in the 1st quarter or 2018 by adding more content about catching tuna. I have also decided to post some tuna recipes.

If you have any questions i’m very approachable and will be glad to respond. Visit the contact us section of the website and drop us a line (pun intended). Happy Fishing!!!

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